Monday, June 24, 2019

Adarra Demon Part 1

This was my 4th shoot out of 5 that I did over the course of a weekend in New Brunswick. While I'm really happy with how all the shoots turned out, this one in particular turned out way better than I had expected. It was my last shoot of the day on the 15th, so we ran out of daylight and decided to scrap any outdoor shots and just stuck to the hotel room - that was always part of the plan, just not ALL of it.

Shoots like this can be a little limited since you're just stuck in one room, but we really managed to use as much of the room as possible - it was a little different looking than your typical hotel room. So we ended up finding little spots here and there, changing the lighting and outfits as we went - and trying hard not to do one thing, but just letting the shoot do itself really.

I normally get around 400-500 shots on an average shoot, with about 15 at most pictures to show for it, in this case we go over 1000 and I think 63 turned out, there were more but they were just too similar to another one - even though some of the ones here are a little similar, I couldn't decide exactly which one I liked more.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Kura Skaarl Demon.

5th of the 5 shoots I did in New Brunswick last weekend. I skipped 4 for now, I got way too many pictures on that shoot and it'll take awhile to get them all done up so I just ahead to this one for now.