Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Dalma Volnak - a Vinogu-Raza Demon

I had this idea some time ago for a 1930s Demon movie star boudoir shoot and it all just fell right into place perfectly. There were a lot of little moving parts to it, so I had some stress in pulling it all together and hoping it worked out - all that paid off because it went out nearly without a hitch and turned out awesome.

Here's the first shot, and only one of the few, that you can see the extra set dressing we added to the shoot. Since it was a 1903s/40s movie star we wanted to show that off, mainly for ourselves more than anything just to really create a setting to work in.

We did 7 images, the poster and 6 pictures, that you can see at the end of this post.

And that's pretty much it, and now for the pictures that while they were just set dressing I feel like they're good enough to show off as part of the shoot. 

 These were all just small pictures in the room and then there's the poster I did up as well. It was actually kind of fun doing these image, we did a quick version of the makeup - no ears or wig or anything, just the brow, and then took each photo and tried to match the angle and lighting - overall I think it worked really well. Some are obviously better than others.

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