Saturday, October 16, 2010

Updating the website again

 Like most things you create on your own, after a fashion you start to want to change it. I'm redesigning the website again, only the 2nd time really though. There's going to be way more on there in the future and I realized it needs to be streamlined even more so I don't have dozens of pages to update when I make even the smallest changes.

I think that'll be happening this week if I can come up with something. Won't be too different, just quicker to navigate I think.

Not much else new to report other then a newspaper article. It's a decent write up, the online version isn't half as impressive as the one in the actual paper though. I hadn't seen it until after I ran into a couple folks who had and they made it seem like it was rather a big deal - I didn't expect much, but when I finally saw it, it was a whole damned page with about 5 or 6 pictures. Not too bad.

That's it for now, hopefully you'll see some changes to the site soon.

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