Sunday, January 27, 2019

Cobalt Skaarl

I realize now that this makeup ended up sort of like another I did a couple years ago, but after 200+ Demons that's bound to happen - the prosthetics were all different at least, just the colours that are sort of the same - but it's interesting just how different it still looks from that other one (which I won't picture, so you'll have to figure it out for yourself).

It's also the first shoot I've done with the new Skaarl prosthetic (using an epoxy mould) and I'm pretty impressed with how well it went on and how seamless it came out without really trying. I normally do a lot of work cleaning up the seams for these shoots (I don't claim to be a great makeup artist, I do this for fun), but I had very little to do with this one. Had I actually taken the time during application this one could've been absolutely perfectly applied.

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