Thursday, September 06, 2007

I hate my fridge.

It's around 11:20 or, I've had a very long, extremely productive day and I hate my fridge - it's been doing this annoying buzzing thing all day, but it seems to be quieting down at bit. Anyway, that's just an aside for a moment.

The main point of this, hopefully, short post is an update concerning the Flashback scene and the whole internal debate of renting over making - I've been having incredible luck so far with creating the costumes. Everything has been falling into place pretty well, I went shopping with my costume guide tonight (I'm calling her that because that's pretty much what she's doing) because I was looking for materials and some advice.

The material I was looking for is for the cloaks. I didn't want some crappy thin ratty looking shit, I wanted something rather nice. Well, turns out rather nice is also rather expensive - who knew? But I lucked out totally, even moreso then I originally though. In total I needed 12 meters of fabric for these cloaks - what I wanted was about $20 per meter...yeah, not going to happen.

What I found was $3 per meter, not too shabby. Then I found out that the sale they were having was actually %75 off on that price. So the cloaks cost me $9 all together. And while it's not perfect, it's a decent material that should work really well.

And the other pieces are coming along pretty well. Almost everything is purchased right now, I hope to get the rest tomorrow, and a small shipment in next week, and that'll be it. I think overall this little scene is shaping up to be a lot better then I originally envisioned it.

We got some cool looking weapons, including a massive handmade warhammer. Some of the design elements are actually based off real period designs - which actually helped do things cheaply. So far so good with this part of the project. Hopefully in a week or so I'll have some pictures to post.

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