Monday, June 30, 2008

Everything's going well so far. I've got written permission to film in Victoria Park, so no worries there. The Titan Device, as I've taken to calling it, is coming along well too. Might be a little early to say that, but so far it's working as planned.

Seems like everything's lining up to go well. I've got some great shots sussed out, I'll be working on them some more this coming weekend and if all goes well the Device should be nearly done as well - at least well underway enough to know how well it'll look.

I've had to create a makeshift styrofoam knife that seems to be working rather well, a little slow but that's better then not at all. I should have the basic forms done in a few days, I'm making them from huge styrofoam sheets cut and glued together to form 2'x2'x2' cubes, which will then be cut done further to get the basic shape right. Then I'm using expandable foam for the outer skin which I can carve into with more detail.

From there it's a simple paint job, some moss and crap and I should have an assortment of massive stones that form a 6 foot obelisk. It'll be incredibly sturdy and lightweight too.

Should be an amusing shoot.

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